What is Perpetual Adoration?
Perpetual Adoration involves someone visiting our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament for one hour a week, 24 hours a day. By each person committing to offer just one hour a week, we have a Perpetual Adoration vigil so that our Blessed Lord is never alone any hour of the day.
Spending time before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer and devotion is exactly the same as spending time before the living God. There He humbly awaits our visit where He prepares graces for us hour by hour.
What are the benefits and results of Perpetual Adoration?
A. A deeper meditative awareness of Christ's true presence in the Eucharist.
B. Healing of your body and soul.
C. A deeper awareness of Christ’s Holy Spirit’s abiding presence in you and every phase of your life.
D. Improved prayer life, deeper faith, and inner peace.
Who takes the night hours?
Adoration continues 24 hours per day. For those who hold the late night hours a security system is in place, and the church is locked from 10pm to 6am. During these hours you enter the church by the coded door on the east side of the Church.
What if I suddenly cannot come?
No matter how firm your commitment, obstacles are sure to arise. If you are unable to attend the hour, please first try to find a substitute by asking your family and friends or consider trading your hour with another adorer. If this is unsuccessful, please contact your Day Captain as soon as possible so they will have sufficient time to fill the hour.
Does the priest supervise the assignment of the hour?
No. A "captain" is needed for each day of the week to assist adorers in finding substitutes, when a schedule conflict occurs. If a substitute is not available the captain is invited to attend that hour, if possible.
Where do the adorers pray?
Adoration is in the North Sacristy chapel room (where the Blessed Sacrament is reposed).
Is there an attendance record kept?
Yes, there is a registry book kept on top of the bookshelf in the Chapel, which adorers sign as they enter.
Must certain prayers be said during the weekly hour?
No, however we recommend that your prayer includes: worship, thanksgiving, petition & supplication. To aid you in prayer there are devotional books and pamphlets in the bookshelf that are regularly updated. The Holy Spirit will lead you and teach you in the practice of silent, peaceful prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to clear your mind, sit in silence, listen to our Lord speak and receive His love.
Who promotes Perpetual Adoration?
Adoration "Captains"
Bob Palik
Cortney & RJ Hein
Greg & Brenda Eller
Jim & Jo Witter